Rules and Regulation
We have some few words about rules and regulation
Absence From School
Class | Timings |
Pre-Primary | Summer: 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m Winter 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m |
Class I - VIII | Summer: 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m Winter 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m |
Classes I to VIII
• Attendance is compulsory on the first and last working day of every term.
• 80% attendance is compulsory to appear in the terminal examination.
• Students who have been sick must submit a medical certificate from their doctor on joining School.
• Parents should fill up “Leave Record “ stating the reasons for absence for each day if the student is absent from school.
• No one who has been absent on the previous day will be admitted to the class without a letter from the parents addressed to the class teacher stating the reason for the absence.
Transfer certificate shall not be issued until all dues of the school are paid.
School Transport
Availability of transport facility
• School provides conveyance facility for students on request of the parents.
• The school buses will pick up and drop the students at the fixed point only.
• Conveyance Fee will be charged with quarterly fee for twelve months.
• In case, a guardian withdraws his/her ward’s conveyance facility ,a months’ notice is essential otherwise one month’s conveyance fee in full will be charged in lieu thereof.
• In case the school bus does not reach in time due to mechanical break down or due to the illness of the driver, the guardians are requested to make their own arrangements. However, the school will do its best to provide an alternative service.
• Students using the bus facility are expected to conduct themselves properly so as to avoid any discomfort or inconvenience to others in the bus.
• Bus routes are prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of students and are subject to change as and when the need arises.
• The drivers are authorized to stop buses at designated stops only unless otherwise directed by the Bus In-charge.
• The students should reach the respective bus stop five minutes before the stipulated time. Buses will not wait for late comers
Conduct and Discipline
• Every student must carry his/her diary and identity card to school every day.
• All students should come to the school regularly and punctually in proper neat and well ironed school uniform.
• No child will be allowed to leave the school premises once he / she has come to school. In case any student requires to leave the school premises during the school hours, the parents are requested to submit an application to the Principal.
• Keeping in view security of your Students, Guardian or the person escorting the child on short leave, should carry authority card with them, otherwise gatepass would not be issued to the child.
• In case of emergency, parents will be informed and they will report to the Principal.
• Students should bring the books to the school according to the time table of the day.
• Students should do the home work given in each subject regularly. Guardians are requested to check the diary and sign it every day.
• No student should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on walls. Recovery for any damage will be made from the student concerned.
• No student shall leave the classroom without the student outpass and permission of the teacher.
• The children must be in their respective classroom by 7.55 a.m, five minutes before the first bell which rings at 8.00 a.m. Late comers will not be permitted after 8.00 a.m.
• Birthday parties are not allowed in the school premises however children can distribute the toffee to their classmates.
Appeals to Parent
• Parents are requested to be polite and decent in their behaviour.
• Parents are requested to pay school fee on time.
• Parents are requested to provide uniform, books as prescribed by the school to their wards.
• Parents should encourage their ward to be regular and punctual in attendance in the school and discourage them from staying at home or attending functions which may come in the way of their studies.
• If your ward is absent from the school any day, he/she must complete all the work missed by him /her.
• Parents are requested to ensure their participation in PTM to discuss and note the progress of their wards in studies and their behaviour in the school.
• Parents will sign the Progress Report of their ward and take suitable remedial measures as suggested by the school.
• It is parents’ responsibility to ensure that their ward reaches school at least 5 minutes before the school commences.
• Attending morning school assembly is compulsory for all students as it inculcates a sense of companionship and discipline among the students.
• Parents must check that their ward maintains cleanliness and neatness in his/her personal habits and also keeps his / her uniform, text books, exercise books neat and clean.
• Parents are requested to ensure that their wards complete the homework noted in the school diary every day.
• The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all belonging of the students.
• Water bottles, blazer jerseys and shoes should also bear the name of the student . The school accepts no responsibility whatsoever for loss of any valuable brought to the school.
• Parents of girls are advised not to allow their wards to wear any jewellery, mehendi and nail paint. Besides , their nails should be properly trimmed .
• In case of any infectious disease at your home, do not send your ward to the school till the disease is cured.
• Parents may meet class teachers / subject teachers during school hours with the prior permission of the Principal alternatively, they can seek prior appointment from the teacher concerned through the school diary.
• Parents are advised to check that child carries the Tiffin before he/she leaves home.
• Long hair of girls should be neatly tied into a braid / plait and not in pony tail.