Our Education Beliefs
We have some few words about our education beliefs
Keeping pace with global educational trends and standards, the school follows a curriculum which shapes and nurtures student’s personality in a holistic manner, through
• All children are naturally motivated to learn and are capable of learning.
• Every child has creative spirit and generous joy in the play.
• Making meaning and developing the capacity for abstract thinking, reflection and work are the most important aspects of learning.
• Children learn in a variety of ways – through experience, making and doing things, experimentation, reading, discussions, asking, listening, thinking and reflecting and expressing oneself in speech, movement and writing. They need opportunities of all these kinds in the course of their developments.
• Learning takes place both within school and outside school. Learning is enriched if these two areas interact with each other.
• Art and work provide opportunities for holistic learning rich in tacit and aesthetic components.
• Learning must be paced to the cognitive readiness of the child to sharpen understanding rather than remembering only to forget after examinations.
• Learning must provide Variety and Change and be interesting and encouraging to avoid educational fatigue and boredom.
• Healthy physical growth is the pre condition for all kind of development of the child